Sunday, July 15, 2012

Big N5 of the Week - Batteries are running low!

Welcome back to another weekly installment of the Big N5. Let's get down to it to this week's latest news:

5. HMV ad shows 3DS XL with two analog sticks. 
Talk about false advertising. This HMV ad clearly shows a photoshopped second analog stick on the 3DS XL. Also, if you look close enough you'll see they also misspelled "Volcano" as "Vulcano". The 3DS XL is not coming with a built-in second analog stick any time soon, so please be good boys and girls and STOP COMPLAINING.


4. Bad Dudes getting a Kickstarter sequel.
Were you a bad enough dude to save the president in the 80's? Well thanks to Kickstarter you'll be able to do it all over again, because Bad Dudes 2 is in the making! If you're bad enough dude to fund it're a very bad good dude!


3. Wreck-It-Ralph star coming to Sonic and Sega All-Stars Racing Transformed. 
The star of the upcoming Disney CGI film wreck-It-Ralph was revealed to be a playable characters in SEGA's sequel to All-Stars racing. View more images here and see how many other SEGA characters you can spot. (SPOILER: I see Shinobi!)

2. Unreal engine 4 will be scalable for Wii U.
Good news for those hoping for news on the Wii U's specs. An interview with Mark Rein Epic Games produced the following quote on what to expect with UE4 technology on the Wii U: "I'll state that I don't think it's our intention to bring Unreal Engine 4 to Wii U, but Unreal Engine 4 is going to be supremely scalable.

"We'll run on mobile phones and on a wide variety of things, so if a customer decides they want to port an Unreal Engine 4 game to Wii U, they could. But Unreal Engine 3 is a really good fit for that platform."
though it's undetermined if developers will even use this engine, it's great to know that the Wii U will not be too far behind graphics-wise in the next generation.

1. Ultimate 3DS XL battery test. 
How does the 3DS XL'x battery life compare to the other past gen Game Boy's and DS's? Watch this video and see for yourself. If you love to see the 3DS XL trounce the PS Vita this other video might just make your day. 

And that concludes for this week's Big N5. Join us next week as we hop on Yoshis' back and play English croquette in the London Olympics! (SPOILER: It's rigged for the Yellow Yoshi to win.)

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