Friday, April 29, 2011

Rumored Project Cafe E3 revealing

All the games, ALL THE GAMES! It's too hard to believe (Mario Kart and another Zelda even when the 3DS ones aren't even out?), but this has got to be everyone's dream launch list. I'm not too fond of Grand Theft Auto or Call of Duty, but their presence on this list speaks volumes of how much Nintendo have already done right this time. If this turns out to be true that is. What do you think?

Pokemon RPG too. Hopefully it has DS/3DS connectivity.

- Pikmin 3 (playable, launch title)
- Pokemon RPG (video, launch or near launch title)
- Super Mario Bros title (playable)
- Star Fox (playable)
- Smash Bros 4 (playable)
- Mario Kart (video)
- Zelda (tech demo)
- Metroid (tech demo)
- New IP (video)

Rockstar Games:
- Red Dead Redemption 2 (video)
- Grand Theft Auto “New Title” (video)

- Rayman Legends (playable)
- Red Steel 3 (playable)
- New IP (video)

- Final Fantasy XV

- Resident Evil (video)
- Megaman (video)
- Monster Hunter (video)

- NBA ’13 (video)
- NFL ’13 (video)
- NHL ’13 (video)

- Modern Warfare 3 (video)

- Metal Gear title (video)
- Winning Eleven (video)

- Tekken Tag Tournament 2 (playable)
- Soul Calibur 5 (video)
- Pacman Rebirth (video)
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