*Disclaimer: EggBeatr will be thrown into a pit of tar for this remark.
5. Wii U low Google searches.
If you can see it, that tiny red line is all the Wii U has via Google searches. Ouch. But don't worry, once it gets more media coverage it will be the talk of the nation! Oh wait...
4. News Anchors making awful Wii U pun jokes.
Wii Wii? Pii U? Come on! These jokes have been done a year ago, and they weren't funny then! You can see the awfulness in all it's (glory?) here. Don't say I didn't warn you...
3. Mass Effect Trilogy not coming to Wii U.
In a more "are you f*cking kidding me" news this week, EA announced the complete Mass Effect trilogy for all consoles, including PC, but not Wii U. For those wanting answers this what NeoGaf had to say: "EA did not expect Wii U owners to buy Mass Effect, anyway, so no point in porting over three games. If ME3 sells gangbusters, they’ll consider it a proper summer home for Mass Effect." Sounds like reverse logic to me. Why would anyone buy just one game more, when you could buy all three for less? At this point, EA seems hard pressed into not bringing this to Wii U, but at least we have one game coming to the system at launch.
2. Denpa Men: They Came by Wave now available for the 3DS eShop!
Denpa Men are all around us; you just need to use the 3DS camera to spot them out and catch them! From your own little Denpa Men army and journey through caves to find hidden items, fight baddies in turn based battles, and potentially level up your Denpa Men to repeat the cycle. The Demo and full game are available now only the Nintendo 3DS eShop!
1. Wii U pre-orders sky-rocketing. It's 2006 all over again!
First GameStop closed all pre-orders on the upcoming system, and now several other store outlets are following suit after a storm of pre-orders on the Wii U flooded across the hemisphere. And it's not just America; Wii U pre-orders in Europe have also hit influx this week. Still want one? You still have time! But as I previously said, quantities are running out so hurry before they're all **gonU!
**EggBeatr will be thrown in a second tar pit for this remark.