Saturday, April 24, 2010

Free DSiWare game!

Written by pikaby

Nintendo have answered my prayers. Thank you!

From May 10 to June 10, Photo Dojo, the wacky DSiWare game that uses the camera to make fighting poses for yourself and then actually play, will be given out over the DSiWare Shop for absolutely free! Doesn't burn a hole in Nintendo's pocket since the game is only 200 points without the offer.
Photo Dojo (Nintendo DSiWare, May 10): Get ready for some seriously fun Kung Fu action – starring you! Create your own characters and record the sound effects using the Nintendo DSi system’s camera and microphone. Use your imagination to set the stage for a fun-filled fight to the finish. In a special introductory offer, Photo Dojo will be available for free download via the Nintendo DSi Shop from May 10 to June 10. Starting June 11, the game will be available for download for 200 Nintendo DSi Points.
I don't have access to Nintendo Points, so Nintendo did me a huge favor there. Now to film me, my brother, and Leonardo di Caprio duking it out on DSi.


  1. yhetohilgry2uogb2ggbgnm81m8-g53g81gn890n713gg14

  2. eri3v29483n4 8yw-8yd9u9syc9urm 93 u9yuh rt9gh90hfifhzoi ur mom is gay

  3. I'm living in the netherlands (Holland). Is it possible to dowload it for free? I looked in the free folder on my DSi but there's only internet and flipnote studio.

  4. This is really good that this game is available for free download on Nintendo DSiware system. But there is problem that this game is only available in USA. If you are from UK or any other region you can't able to download free game.

  5. Are the any other games for free coming up?

  6. where is the link?
