If you're a gamer, this kind of news beats getting a trip around Europe, anytime of the year. Being able to play demos of games before they're out? Being able to listen to CEOs of Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo prattle on about sales figures and showing off new games? Nothing like it in the world.
MULTIPLY that with the fact that this is probably going to be the most exciting E3 of all time (3DS, PS Move and Project Natal announcements, Pikmin 3 and Metroid Other M demos), and you have epicness.
And Nintendo are giving away two tickets to enter E3 this year, if you win its Warioware D.I.Y contest. Own the game? Submit your most creative, funny, and crazy microgames based on the given themes to the official site, wariowarediy.com. Contest ends May 16th!
Me? I don't live in the US. Count me out. More than half of Nintendo 5-Star's staff members are eligible, though. I'll be at home watching the winners go to E3 with the most jealous face I can make ever.
EDIT: Oops, you can only go to the Nintendo presentation. Still epic, considering the importance of E3 2010 to every game making company.